Friday 20 January 2017

Work hard and play hard

Three blog posts written already and this is the fourth one. As we keep practising our skills, we continue to learn more and more. Committing over 10,000 hours to anything requires a huge amount of hard work.

A quote from Eckhart Tolle tells us that “Life isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be”. So many of us feel anxious when trying to learn, we are in the process of expanding our knowledge or ability and we place so much pressure on the end result. Many of us think of learning as a chore, and this mindset prevents us from actually enjoying education. Being too serious about learning doesn’t help with keeping high levels of motivation. Without finding pleasure in the learning makes it more difficult to commit to a 10,000-hour-journey of discovery and accomplishment.

Sometimes we may encounter topics which do not interest us and this results in a lack of perseverance. Working hard over a long period of time is dependent on the level of self-motivation and passion. Failure often occurs from a high level of disinterest. Jim Carrey noted this when he said: “You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.” Working hard is important when learning and we need to remember to always have fun and enjoy the journey of discovery. So, make your education journey an enjoyable one!

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Thursday 19 January 2017

Practise....Practise.... Practise

This is the third blog post and I’m sure you’ve probably heard the saying “third time lucky”. At times we sometimes believe in blind luck, so when good things happen, we attribute this to being in the right place and at the right time.

Education is a journey of learning and we achieve new skills and knowledge by taking gradual steps towards a particular goal. A quote from Bruce Lee states: “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.” Expanding our knowledge and understanding of theoretical concepts is useless if this information is not implemented practically. The learning process tends to focus more on the acquisition of information and the retention of important facts which can only be fully understood if it is used practically.

Mastery of any skill requires practice. An individual cannot learn how to drive without ever actually getting behind the wheel of the car to practise driving. Reading thousands of books on Art will not make you a professional painter. Education is a journey of discovery and a process of continuously taking action by implementing what we have learnt.

Having the discipline to study theory and then having the patience to practise repetitively allows us to learn. Many successful role models often describe how much time and effort they’ve invested in their chosen field of expertise. In Malcolm Gladwell’s book titled “Outliers”, he writes about the 10,000-hour rule whereby greatness can be achieved after dedicating around 10,000 hours or more towards mastering a particular skill, which creates a debate about whether talent is hereditary or learned.

When focusing on education, the more we read, study, revise, summarise, practise and evaluate......manifests a reality that those assessments we had initially dreaded are now viewed as being really simple to complete. So continue taking those incremental steps towards your goal!

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Wednesday 18 January 2017

Taking the next step is always difficult.....

The journey continues with this second blog post. I’ve been thinking about how easy it would be to skip writing today but that’s just being lazy! The previous blog taught us about how important it is to keep persevering and to never quit.

The Education Hustle shares views and opinions on the different challenges we encounter as we learn. So many view “being educated” as a destination.....once we’ve finished writing that exam, it’s all over.....but that’s short-sightedness. Education is a never-ending process whereby we are challenged with adversity and obstacles. We all have a goal in mind and so often students give-up because they’re not moving quickly towards the goal, or they get so overwhelmed that they stop learning all together and a mental-block is created.

In a YouTube video by Tony Robbins titled “Time of your Life”, he talks about the concept of “chunking” in order to achieve our goals. Education is a series of “chunks” of information which we consider and draw new ideas or skills from. To learn, we need to be able to break down large concepts into easy-to-understand examples. It’s much easier to recall examples than it is to memorise and repeat a textbook word-for-word. Examples provide more valuable insight as context is created. Theory isn’t easy to remember but when theory is applied practically to a specific scenario, this example helps us to memorise and understand the concept being taught. Every complicated concept or theory can be simplified into more easily understandable “chunks”.

Tony Robbins also tells us that “Change is never a matter of ability, it’s a matter of motivation and drive”. I want to continue writing more blog posts daily to help more readers around the world by sharing different views on the way we pursue education. Taking the next step is always so difficult but we need to realise that it’s the action of taking steps that actually creates the learning process. No student would ever learn anything if they weren’t willing to do what’s necessary to achieve

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Tuesday 17 January 2017

The Education Hustle begins today.....

Welcome to the first blog post of 2017. The journey begins today.... defines the word ‘Education’ as “the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession”

In today’s world, so many of us are learning so many different things in order to stay competitive or marketable. So many of us believe that education will make an improvement in our lives. By learning more.... we should be able to do more. Knowledge contained in thousands of textbook-pages is useless if we cannot apply what we have read. So many of us seek education just as a means to an end..... a way to get our feet through the door to that desired job..... yet we forget that education is forever changing as new concepts and thoughts change the way we act.

Education is more than just passing an exam or submitting an assignment. Education is the day-to-day process of discovering new things. Every aspect of over lives involves discovery. Every day is different and every moment is unique as we can never live one moment twice because that time has passed. Education is more comparable to behaviour. The way we act, the words we use, the thoughts we generate all originate from what we have learnt.

In Gary Vaynerchuk’s YouTube video entitled: “The Most Important Word Ever”, he tells us that we need to constantly make every minute count and that we need to outwork our competitors if we want to win. Discovering your strengths and using them to your advantage will yield positive results because we all need to put everything on the line and ‘Hustle’! Talent isn’t enough because we need to put in the effort.

So many of us go through life focusing on things that don’t help us to achieve what we truly want because we get distracted. This blog is titled: “Education Hustle” because it focuses on the trials and tribulations that we experience, as part of our learning and development. So let’s start the journey of discovery by covering different topics relating to education and the “hustle” it takes to learn.

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